Tuesday, August 28, 2007


So my dad and Roger are driving back already!! Thank goodness! I'm going crazy without my husband. They will be in Fayateville, Arkansas tomorrow with our bestest friends Cameron and Heather Walker!! Heather is about to have a baby any day and we're so excited for her!! It's a girl and I'm hoping they name her Avery. Anyways Cam and Heath were great friends to us while we were in VA. We were so sad to see them move away from us before we decided to move back to Moses Lake! I'm getting sad thinking about it. When we moved into the apartment complex we had wanted since we moved to VA we were right across from their apartment so we were constantly hanging out with each other. Heather and I loved to watch America's Next Top Model every Wednesday night and occasionally watched Laguna Beach or The Hills as well together. She was a big time scrapbooker and showed me a lot of cool things. She's way better at scraping then me. She takes so much time making the pages look perfect and I throw mine together real quick and hope they look half as cute as hers. I was always jealous!! Roger and Cam always talked sports and both loved the Seahawks. We went to their house for the superbowl game when Seahawks finally got that far!! It was awful that the officials made it so Seahawks didn't win!! Cam took Rog to his first MLB game in Philly. Roger loved it and still talks about it all the time. Heather was such a good sport when I was pregnant! She would get me out and walking all the time just so I could have the baby soon even though he didn't come until 5 days after the due date. And when Cam and Heather stayed until 12 am at the hospital when I was in labor I knew they were our best friends!! I was so happy to have them there I just wish Ethan would've come sooner so they could've been there. I still can't believe they hid they were pregnant from us for so long because we were always hoping they'd get pregnant and they had been for I think it was over 3 months!! Man I miss these guys. We had so many good memories!! Cam and Heather were true friends to us and we are so lucky we met them when we did. I know they've truly put up with a lot from me since I was a little coocoo when I was pregnant. Just ask and they'll tell you quotes and other things I did when I was pregnant that were just nerdy! Friends are important in our lives and I just want to say thank you Cam and Heath for being so awesome!! Our family loves you and Ethan will never forget Uncle Cam and Auntie Heather. I can't wait until we all get to see you at Christmas time when I'll be big and prego!!
This is when we went to Mill Street Grill in Staunton for Heather's 23rd Birthday!!!

1 comment:

Walkers said...

We love you guys too and miss you like CRAZY!!! Give Ethan kisses for us and pray that this baby gets here soon- I'm going crazy! I think she will be quite the little spit fire.