Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Ethan loves to get in the fridge...especially when he's so tired at night before bed. We found him like this a few weeks ago!! What a trouble maker!!
You can't be mad at that sweet smile!!Ethan always plays peek-a-boo with Ali with their easter buckets and she's figured it out so she's thinks it's hilarious to do it herself. She will put it on and then all of a sudden pull it off really fast and laugh!! It's so cute!!
Right after she pulled it off!

Please excuse the messy floor!! I clean it every day but yet it always ends up spread everywhere again. Once they have their own room...(NEXT WEEK!! YAHOO!!) I'm hoping these toys won't be all over our family room!


Jon and Amy Duvall said...

What a beautiful smile!! She has really adorable eyes! You lucky gal.

hennchix said...

they are so adorable Ash! I couldn't get mad at Ethan either..

bwaites said...

Sorry Babe, but having their own room won't keep the toys in it!!

They'll still be all over the floor in the living room, because they want to play where you are!!

Love you!

The Graham Family! said...

unfortunately your dad is sooooo right! Ashlyn has her own room.. but she never plays in it.. she prefers the living room where I am most of the time!! But both rooms are definitely full of toys! Your kids are too cute!! Ashlyn tried getting in the fridge and now we have a fridge lock on the door!! I love it! haha