This morning the doctor called to let me know the results from Ali's VCUG yesterday. She said the ultrasound went perfect and Ali doesn't have reflux. She did however say that just because that didn't show we still might have problems with her getting UTI's so to keep a watch on her and her fevers for sure because if it happens again it'll probably be within the next six months. We still have to take her in sometime this week to get her blood drawn again because that was a little funky but hopefully just from the infection. We are super relieved and hope that things stay normal for her. I just can't imagine if things get worse and that tiny little girl has to have surgery. It would not be fun!
My blood tests came back normal so that was awesome because I have been worried about it. I am still having pain but just trying to cope with it. The doctor knows I'm tender so she's a little concerned. If I continue to have the pain I might ask about getting my gallbladder checked because other people have told me they have had different symptoms than the normal ones (for gallbladder) and it was their gallbladder.
We had a great memorial day weekend with the family in Moses Lake and I'll hopefully get some video up from it.
Happy to hear the results are good. The waiting and the unknown can be really stressful.
I am so glad that things are going better and it was so fun to run into you. Your kids are absolutely adorable!
What good news! I'm glad you two are doing okay. It was fun to see you over the weekend!
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